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  • JCC

    New Total Software Solution Launch: Merage JCC

    Merage JCC of Orange County is celebrating the launch of its new total software solution to manage better its members, 操作, 预订, 使用立博官网手机版app下载软件进行销售. We wanted to highlight the benefits of this JCC membership management software 和 congratulate Merage JCC on its successful launch 和 roll-out of this total software solution.

  • JCC

    12 Questions You Should Ask 关于 会员 Management Software for Your Jewish Community Center

    如果你管理一个犹太社区中心, you know how important it is to have an effective membership management system. The software you choose can significantly affect how well your center runs 和 how satisfied your members are. With so many options on the market, it can be tough to know which one is right for you. 帮助你缩小选择范围, here are 12 key questions to ask about any membership management software before making a purchase.

  • JCC

    Leverage Your JCC 网站 to Promote Summer Camps

    As the end of the school year is near 和 summer approaches, many parents are looking for camps for their children to attend to create memorable 和 fun experiences. Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) offer a variety of summer camps that can meet the needs of any family. 然而, JCCs need to do more than just list their camp offerings on their website; they need to leverage their site to promote summer camps 和 make it easy for parents to find 和 enroll their children. 

  • JCC

    3 Benefits of 会员 Software for Jewish Community Centers (JCCs)

    Jewish Community Centers offer a broad range of programs for education, 体育, 幼儿发展, 社会活动, 健康, 健康, 艺术, 和文化. It’s easy to see how quickly each department can default to using its own software, 系统, 或者要操作的程序. 然而, using cobbled-together software can result in a lack of communication between departments 和 even frustration for members.

  • JCC

    New Jewish Community Center 网站 Launch: Worcester JCC

    It’s with great excitement to announce a br和-new website for Worcester Jewish Community Center. 从设计到导航, this J is kicking off the new year with a fresh new site to serve its existing members 和 the community at large. This newly designed website gives Worcester JCC the opportunity to c自定义主页内容构建无限的表单,例如asily control 和 update the menu navigation,建设 动态网页,以及更多!

  • JCC

    2021 Jewish Community Center Resource Round-up

    The p和emic has added layers of complexities in successfully serving the Jewish community. 现在比以往任何时候都重要, it is so important for collective thinking 和 to garner best practices from other JCCs 和 organizations around the country to keep your organizations at the forefront of providing great services. We know it's essential that your organization stays plugged into current trends, opportunities for leadership development, 丰富会员生活的方法, 和 to learn more about tools that will help grow your community center. 话虽如此,这里是我们的 年终, curated picks of the latest JCC 资源 和 best practices to help your organization stay up-to-date with the latest news 和 tools out there. 

  • JCC

    5 Key Features to Look For in Gym Management Software For Your JCC or YMCA

    If you have been following along in our latest series for Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) 和 基督教青年会, 你知道所有 how to choose the best gym membership management software 和 innovate camp 和 community center software tools 你的健身中心应该充分利用. 在本系列的最后一篇文章中, we want to share with you 5 key features to look for in your next JCC or YMCA gym management software. 

  • JCC

    Innovative Camp 和 Community Center Software Tools Your JCC 和 YMCA Needs in 2021

    If your Jewish Community Center (JCC) or YMCA is looking to streamline the management processes of your facility 和 use data to help in the decision-making process, 你来对地方了. Older software 系统 that many fitness 和 community centers are still using today typically have a huge number of features that make the system bloated 和 complex for users. There isn’t a way for management to easily report on or gain insights from data.

  • JCC

    Best JCC 网站 Case Study: Alper JCC迈阿密

    We are excited to announce the launch of the newly designed website for Alper JCC迈阿密. 从设计到导航, there are endless new features to highlight on this Jewish Community Center website. Alper JCC迈阿密 serves the Miami-Dade County community with recreational, 教育, 文化, 还有社会活动.